Jiendeleze Loan

Designed to help business people with established premises and over the counter sales to expand and boost their stock. I.e. given to individuals, businesses, sole proprietors & registered businesses.


Eligibility will be the lower of ;

50% of average of the last 6 months savings X 12 months in the Sacco

5 times the cash collateral.

Repayment frequency monthly


A completed loan application form

Active member for at least 6 months

Applicant must have a minimum share capital of Kshs 5,000

Applicant must make a minimum share deposits contribution of Kshs 500 every month

Savings and collateral building period of at least 6 months

Physical assessment report to ascertain profitability of business and evidence of an established profitable business/source of income. Bank statements for the last six months from the applicants’ current bank if any and Copy of latest final books of accounting and Referee/introducer

Certified  copies of identification documents (I.D., Passport, PIN, Certificate of Incorporation, Memo & Articles of Association

Member will use household items/business assets as collateral and 2 guarantors who are active Sacco members.

CRB report from a registered bureau.

Applicant must not be more than 65yrs in age


Have any questions? Call us today!



Kenya Achievas Sacco is among the few Sacco’s licensed by SASRA to operate deposit taking business to its members in the country and hence the growing confidence from the members.